Monday, March 30, 2015

Give Your Assailant the Sting- The History of Pepper Spray

At Troubledoom headquarters the evildoers are plotting to get the upper hand on the ladies known as the “Pink Pretties”. The dastardly villains have mistaken their female counterparts as docile, timid and tame. On the contrary these super women are smart, powerful and always 3 steps ahead. The misfits don’t stand a chance when the ladies discover the history of pepper spray and use it to turn up the heat against their assailants. 

Being a woman does not mean being weak or powerless. Taking a few preventative measures such as
  • Being aware of your surroundings 
  • 2) Assessing the degree of the threat and
  • Using the buddy system when possible might be enough to ward off your attacker.
However if confrontation cannot be avoided, applying the heat from pepper spray is just the thing to buy you some time until help arrives.

We know that peppers are a flavorful food but how do you turn food into a weapon? The process begins with the pepper spray or oleoresin capsicum (OC) coming from the fruit of plants found in the Capsicum family.  The capsicum is ground into a fine powder and extracted using an organic solvent such as ethanol. After the solvent evaporates, the remaining residual is a waxy substance, oleoresin capsicum. When sprayed in the face, the capsicum spray causes the eyes to sting and tear up.

A popular element of self-defense, red chili powder was used in ancient China, India and various other parts of the world as a weapon of torture for slaves and criminals. Warriors preferred it because of the powder's ability to temporarily incapacitate their enemy. As time evolved, scientists continued to experiment trying to create a product that was easily stored and accessible in spray or gas form.

By the 1980’s pepper spray was complete and accepted as a legalized non-lethal weapon. Today pepper spray controls riots, a policing agent by law enforcement, protection against dogs by postal workers, protection against bear attacks by hunters and a personal weapon for women.

So let the miscreants plot, you have your secret weapon and know how to use it. You’re smart, savvy and powerful. Taking the necessary precaution to ensure your safety will always keep you 3 steps ahead and give your assailant the sting.

Pink Defense Weapons want to educate and empower the super hero in you. If you would like to know more about how to enhance your super powers contact us today!

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